Friday, June 18, 2010

It's pretty hot

The summer is fully upon us here in the north. It must be about 90 degrees every day. The mosquitoes have also begun to breed and find their way into my bedroom.

This week and last I taught a class at my school for a few students. When I agreed to do it i initially asked only for a room that I could reliably have. I was assigned a room, but then was kicked out by other teachers the second day. It turns out that that room is not really suitable for me because they need it for other things. Then there was a period during which I moved from one room to the other every day, and students were unable to find me or the class. Then I was assigned a room that would be available for the rest of the time, but the next day there was no key to it.

At any rate: I now know that I should not agree to teach in room 50, and should be thankful that the class is over.

Next week I will go to Bulaevo for a summer camp, which should be fun. After that I will have another week in Persnovka for another camp. That will be all of my travel for the summer unless Kyrgestan magically becomes stable in the next month, but even then...

We shall see.

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