Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The end comes closer and closer and closer.

SO. I have only a few weeks left. School will start next week. I don't yet know what groups I will be teaching, or with what other teachers, which is fine - I don't expect to find out for a while still.

I have spoken to a number of people in public accounting, but almost nobody who is actually still doing public accounting, and nobody who has followed a path similar to mine, although I am very non-standard since I'm not coming to the profession directly out of school.

I almost made cookies today, but got distracted reading about bento, which seems to be a Japanese style of lunch. I began to fantasize about having somewhere to go where I couldn't be back home for lunch. Or spend 3 hours making and then eating lunch. Not that I do, but I could.

Tomorrow I think I will make cookies, and maybe a cake. I should also make real food. I will buy some bell peppers for scrambled eggs the rest of the week, and maybe make another lasagna.