Friday, April 3, 2009

Funny Anecdote

I have returned from Naruz in Schimkent and In-Service Training in Almaty, however I don't want to write about that just at this moment. Instead I offer an (hopefully) amusing anecdote from yesterday. Additionally, I noticed that comments were restricted to registered users before. Comments are now open to the general public, so if any of you were repressed before, you now can be rehabilitated.

I was teaching a class for future teachers of English and we were working on vignettes. I had them list answers to the W questions (Who, What, When, Where, Why) in preparation for the actual paragraph. The assignment was to write about a "little man(person)" and one student chose a village school teacher, and others chose doctors, actors, etc.

At the end of the class as they were reading their paragraphs, the student with the village teacher described how the teacher died and the narrator heard that the teacher had died penniless and sick and nobody except the minister came to the funeral. At this, another student burst out laughing and said, "That will be us!"

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